受到 150 多个国家 IT 团队的认可

Deep Freeze



无论发生什么情况,都保持 100% 正常运行时间。立即从勒索软件攻击、病毒或任何恶意攻击中恢复。Deep Freeze 可永久消除恶意代码。

试用 30 天

减少 60% 的服务台工单

大多数日常电脑问题只需简单重启即可快速解决,重启还能清理硬盘。不用担心丢失文件,因为云同步会自动备份到 Google Drive、OneDrive 或 Dropbox。

A vast array of laptops symbolising large-scale IT infrastructure. Faronics Cloud enables IT administrators to manage thousands of endpoints remotely, ensuring security, software compliance, and efficiency across enterprise and educational environments.


硬件价格昂贵,但其性能会随时间而下降。Deep Freeze 可大幅降低性能下降的影响:每次会话都从全新设备开始,而不是从杂乱的设备开始。

试用 30 天


Deep Freeze 提供了一种简单有效的方法来清除系统中的所有恶意更改,包括零日威胁。


不要再让琐碎的 IT 问题浪费他们的时间。


释放资源、节省资金并提高 IT 投资回报。


即使计算机冻结,也能自动提供 Windows 更新。



How to set up Deep Freeze in the cloud

Press play to see the options available to make it work in the best way for your environment.


All you need to know about Deep Freeze.

How does Deep Freeze work?

Deep Freeze creates a protected environment where system changes are temporary. When a device is restarted, it returns to its predefined configuration, eliminating any unwanted modifications, viruses or system slowdowns.

Can I save files while using Deep Freeze?

Yes. While Deep Freeze resets the system drive on reboot, users can save files to designated storage locations such as network drives, cloud storage (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox), or a dedicated 'Thawed' partition that remains unaffected by restarts.

Does Deep Freeze protect against ransomware and malware?

Yes. Deep Freeze removes all malicious software – including ransomware, viruses, and spyware – upon reboot, ensuring a clean and secure system after every restart.

Is Deep Freeze suitable for enterprise environments?

Absolutely. Deep Freeze is widely used in enterprises, schools, libraries, healthcare institutions and other multi-user computing environments. It simplifies IT management, reduces support costs and ensures system stability.

Can Deep Freeze be used on both Windows and Mac?

Yes. Deep Freeze is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems, providing robust endpoint protection across multiple platforms.

Can I temporarily disable Deep Freeze?

Yes. Administrators can Thaw devices, allowing system changes and updates without losing protection. Once maintenance is complete, Deep Freeze can be re-enabled.